Action for Gaza Donations – Distributing Food

Action for Gaza Donations – Distributing Food

After the last dinner that we have organized, we decided to come up with a whatsapp group called Action for Gaza with diverse ideas focused on different topics. 

Some of those ideas were to create an internet online shopping that can allow easy access for what we decide to call “Green Companies” or in other terms companies that are not funding Israel or cooperating with it. It also is a good idea to support local merchandise in Turkey and other countries as well and do a free advertising for them. 

A second was to collect fundraising and deliver aid to Gaza directly, and after making the whatsapp group, I communicated with people that I know in Gaza who are active in providing aid, Ahmed who had a restaurant before the genocide on Gaza had his restaurant was destroyed and decided he wants to use his talent of making food in bulk in running charitable campaigns to feed people with other friends. 

So after we initiated collecting funds, We communicated with Ahmed and delivered the funds to him and his team and now our charity work has came to good hands and reached the people of need. 

Below are videos of the delivered aid. Thank you for your charity and let’s keep this going. 


Join our Whatsapp group

If you’re interested in joining our group and want to participate in any of the projects that we are overseeing. Don’t hesitate to join our group at this link:

Other Projects

We have more projects that we are working on, some of those are:

1- Fixing damaged water filtering facilities. 

2- Digging new wills in neighborhoods where water is not available. 

3- Fixing damaged solar panels or replacing them with new ones.

4- Providing food to areas that has not been helped recently.


Our team in Gaza have done some research and calculations regarding the work, and cost that will take to work on each of those projects and we will post more details in the Projects page.


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