Action for Gaza Donations: Gifts and food boxes to kids

Action for Gaza Donations: Gifts and food boxes to kids

In a heartfelt effort to bring joy and relief to children living in Gaza , a charity initiative was undertaken to provide them with food and gifts. The collection drive was met with overwhelming support, and the contributions were carefully packaged and sent to “The Holy Quran memorization program at the Qasem Shelter Center” where these brave young souls attend, despite the ongoing challenges around them.

As the children received the food and gifts, their eyes lit up with pure joy—a sight that was both heartwarming and humbling. For these kids, who have grown accustomed to the harsh realities of life in Gaza, this gesture of kindness brought a rare moment of happiness. The once somber schoolyard echoed with laughter and excitement, a sound that has become all too rare in their lives. The gifts, though simple, held a profound significance; they were a reminder that even in the darkest times, they are not forgotten.


Teachers and volunteers who were present described the day as one filled with hope and happiness, a stark contrast to the usual anxiety and fear that permeates the environment. The children, for a moment, were able to forget the turmoil outside their school walls and simply be kids—playing, laughing, and sharing with each other.


This act of kindness did more than just provide physical sustenance; it nourished their spirits and gave them a reason to smile. In a world that often seems cruel and unfair, these small acts of compassion remind us all of the

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Other Projects

We have several projects in the pipeline, but our primary focus right now is on drilling more water wells to ensure people have easy access to clean water.

  1. Digging new wells in communities where water is scarce.
  2. Repairing damaged water filtration facilities.
  3. Fixing or replacing damaged solar panels.
  4. Delivering food to areas that haven’t received aid recently.

We’ve already raised nearly half the funds needed for the well drilling through various groups. With your support, we hope to collect the remaining amount to complete this vital project.

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