Action for Gaza Donations: Food Donation to North of Gaza – 09-January-2025
Project Name: Action for Gaza Donations: Food Donation to North of Gaza
Date: 09-January-2025
After we were able to send collected amount of 1800$ in donations to our team in Gaza , We have been able to deliver the money to families, provide the amount of 500$ to Aid Gaza team and managed to provide the rest as distribution of food to lots of the displaced families in North of Gaza.
We still have another amount of collected money as donation but are unable to deliver it due to the transactions difficulties and high commissions we are facing.
On every transaction there is almost 22-25% commission when the money is transferred into cash.
Upon delivering the money, we will document all the actions done with this money and publish it on our website and on our Whatsapp group.
We are still aiming to keep our support going and we hope that you will continue to donate more to keep the people alive.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us, send out an email or each via Whatsapp.
Toplanan1800dolarlıkbağışmiktarını Gazze’deki ekibimize gönderebildiktensonra, parayıailelereulaştırmayıbaşardık,GazzeekibineYardım etmek için 500dolarlıkmiktarısağladıkve geri kalanınıGazze’ninkuzeyindeki yerinden edilmişbirçokaileyeyiyecekdağıtımıolaraksağlamayıbaşardık.
Bağışolarakhalabirmiktar daha toplananparamız var ancakkarşılaştığımızişlemzorluklarıveyüksekkomisyonlarnedeniyleteslimedemiyoruz.
Parayı teslim ettikten sonra buparaylayapılantümişlemleribelgeleyip web sitemizdeveWhatsappgrubumuzdayayınlayacağız.
Haladesteğimizisürdürmeyihedefliyoruz ve insanlarıhayattatutmakiçin daha fazlabağışyapmayadevamedeceğiniziumuyoruz.
Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa lütfen bizimle iletişimegeçmekten, bir e-postagöndermektenveyaher birini Whatsapparacılığıyla göndermekten çekinmeyin.
Donation Video - English subtitles
Bağış Videosu - Türkçe altyazılı
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If you’re interested in getting involved and participating in any of the projects we’re managing, we’d love to have you join our group. Don’t hesitate to join us through this link:
Since the Nazi Israelies have decided to focus their campaign on killing as many people in the North of Gaza as possible, many people have been displaced and we are now trying to focus on mostly aiding those people. At this time we are trying to focus on:
Deliver Food and water.
Providing Blankets, Mats and primary mandatory living equipment.
Anything that’s vital to the continuity of people’s living while they are away from their homes.
We are going to stop the focus on drilling water wells for now, until things improve. and since the primary focus on providing food and shelter.