Action for Gaza Donations: Food Donation to North of Gaza Hospitals – 14-January-2025
Project Name: Action for Gaza Donations: Food Donation to North of Gaza Hospitals
Date: 13/1/2024
Location: North of Gaza Hospitals.
Target: Sick and Patients.
As part of the money that we currently have that’s almost about 2200$ in donations, Our Teams have managed to start distributing food to patients, works in hospitals north of Gaza, The money have not been sent yet but our team are currently managing with the remaining of the last sent money + buying on debt food supplies until the money arrives so they can be their debt.
As soon as we deliver the remaining cash which again 22-25% of it will go as commission of transferring the money and get it as cash. The remaining will go into paying the debt and providing another food aid to people in need.
We will continue to document the entire aid process, and provide as much details as possible to have more transparency on where does the money goes.
Upon delivering the money, we will document all the actions done with this money and publish it on our website and on our Whatsapp group.
We are still aiming to keep our support going and we hope that you will continue to donate more to keep the people alive.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us, send out an email or each via Whatsapp.
Şuandasahipolduğumuzyaklaşık2200$‘lık bağışların bir parçasıolarakEkiplerimizhastalarayiyecekdağıtmayabaşlamayıbaşardılar, Gazze’ninkuzeyindekihastanelerdeçalışıyorlar,parahenüzgönderilmediancakekibimizşu anda songönderilenparanın geri kalanıyla+borçlasatın alarak yönetiyorparagelenekadaryiyecektedarik eder, böyleceborçları olabilirler.Kalan parayı teslim ettiğimiz anda, bunun%22-25‘i parayıtransferkomisyonuolarakgidecekvenakitolarakalacaktır.Gerikalanlarborcunuödeyecekveihtiyacı olan insanlarabaşka bir gıdayardımısağlayacak.Tümyardımsürecinibelgelemeyedevamedeceğizveparanınnereyegittiği konusunda daha fazlaşeffaflığasahip olmak içinmümkünolduğuncafazlaayrıntısağlayacağız. Parayı teslim ettikten sonra buparaylayapılantümişlemleribelgeleyip web sitemizdeveWhatsappgrubumuzdayayınlayacağız.Haladesteğimizisürdürmeyihedefliyoruz ve insanlarıhayattatutmakiçin daha fazlabağışyapmayadevamedeceğiniziumuyoruz.
Donation Video - English subtitles
Bağış Videosu - Türkçe altyazılı
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Since the Nazi Israelies have decided to focus their campaign on killing as many people in the North of Gaza as possible, many people have been displaced and we are now trying to focus on mostly aiding those people. At this time we are trying to focus on:
Deliver Food and water.
Providing Blankets, Mats and primary mandatory living equipment.
Anything that’s vital to the continuity of people’s living while they are away from their homes.
We are going to stop the focus on drilling water wells for now, until things improve. and since the primary focus on providing food and shelter.